Welcome to Isha
We are here to empower and inspire Jewish Women all over the world!
Harmony from the Perspective of a Jewish Woman.
שקופית קודמת
שקופית הבאה

Welcome To Isha

Isha in hebrew means woman. Ish means man. The only difference between man and woman, Ish and Isha is the hebrew letter "Hey". "Hey" is also the abbreviation of G-D, Hashem. 

A woman by nature is closer to G-D. More spiritual, deeper and full of depth that makes us the most important figures in life. As women, as mothers, as wives. 

Our goal is to reach women all over the world and help them reveal their inner strengths and beauty, through the wisdom of our timeless Torah and with music, art and beauty to really touch every woman.


Do you have questions that are nagging you? Want to hear what Judaism says? On this forum, you can ask, reply, and connect to women over a variety of issues that are of interest to us all.


Meet Jewish Women from all walks of life! Our workshops take place in Israel at different locations.


Weekly Empowerment, Jewish entertainment, Music videos, what could be better???


Sign up to our weekly newsletter to find out what's new and be the first to get fresh new videos.


Who am I? How do I know what my purpose in life is?? Where do I start???

Friday 8th March, 2019 12:30pm-2pm

Teardrop- The power of a Woman

Tuesday 29 January, 2019 6pm-8pm